Monday, October 14, 2019

Attn: Young People. We Want to Help

Dear Young Person,

Hello from your parents and grandparents. Hello from the older people at your church, and your school.  Hello from the folks that remember when it took 3 days to get a letter to Grandma, the folks who remember only four channels on TV.  Hello from the folks that remember when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon the very first time.

We have a message for you.  We want to help you.  We want to help you be all you can be.  We want to prepare you for the road.

We've learned some things along the way.  We genuinely wish you could learn the things we learned without all the pain.

So we really want to help you - personally, individually.  Yes, YOU.

We want to help you to avoid the unnecessary pain, because the necessary pain will be so hard.  We want to help you with the things we know, because there are so many unknowns that are unimaginable.

We know some things about people and God that are timeless.  We have professional knowledge and wisdom that will be invaluable to you as you start your career.  We can guide you in using the most precious resource you have, which is your time.

We invite you to let us help you with these things.  Actually the word invite is too weak - we implore you. We're pleading with you. Please let us help you. Because we really care about you.

Most of us abhor the bumper sticker that says "We are spending our children's inheritance." We hate it in fact.  Most of us are deeply, deeply concerned about the future we are leaving you.

Some of us are fighting like hell to leave this world a better place for you.  Most of us realize the problems you will face at our age will not be solved at the ballot box.

The best we know is to help YOU.  Please let us.  Recognize that we have wisdom your peers do not have, because neither did we at your age.  Some lessons can only be learned over time, in seeing how things turn out over years.  Let us teach you those lessons.

Please don't be shy in approaching us.  And please don't say no when we approach you.

We care.  We can help.  Please let us into your life.

Twenty years from now, you will be so glad you did.


Your older parents, grand parents, church members, family friends, teachers, and school leaders.

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